Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Intermission VII: To KS, Whom No One Thought Would Have Left So Soon.

How many people that i personally know have passed from this world? People who attended school with me, people so young and vibrant in life that you'd never imagine they'd be gone so much earlier before myself.

'Out, out, brief candle.'

If someone'd told us, back when we were 13 and believed ourselves invincible, that you'd be be gone before you were even 30... do you suppose we'd have believed? No! We would have laughed it off as a terribly funny joke. Young, and full of promise; who'd ever have thought about death and dying?

Why oh why do we believe ourselves invincible? Infallible? Untouchable?
The sun threaded through the lacy fronds of life, that slowly, slowly it's weaving.

Slowly it crept; sometimes it slept, backwards in time receding.

Often time stops, one's burden does drop, and there a soul goes leaving.

But for those who stay, weep as we may, soon, yea, we'll follow your leading.

Rest in peace. I only hope you enjoyed your short life in every way you could.

Intermission VI: 26.07.10. This is my Talent, I Will Wield It Like a Weapon.

Fear is a cage
That traps me within
A new book, new chapter
I daren't turn the page.
CBT, come to me, purge my mind with thoughts of thee.

Time to sweep fear under the dirty carpet. (where it should belong). 
There. Two done.
I realize as an editor, my name will never appear as a byline, and that some other person will take credit for my editing (at least that's how it is in the country of ones). 
BUt then i guess... the satisfaction from making something *ahem* better is fulfillment enough for me.