Thursday, December 31, 2009

Intermission III: there you go, 2oo9.

its with a warm feeling that i remember the night before of the last new year, so ripe with expectations, so full of promise.

has it truly been a good year?

looking back at a day a year from now, scattered pieces have been glued back, some preserved like the treasures they are, more've been broken, or are cracked and close to breaking. will those be able to tahan till next year? we'll see.

these last months, there've been days where life was so bleak i simply wanted to curl up and shrink into the walls, melt into the floor, times when fury nearly got the better of me and turned me into a monster, and had lots of pebbles i tripped over and felt like taking a sledgehammer to, or shrews i'd have happily have tossed into a cellar and locked away.

having said that, it can be quite sharp a jolt, looking into and around yourself, and finding you dont like what you see. and quite a wake up call it was.

still, i'll take the bad with the good. as far as vision goes, its definitely clearer than its been in the entire 21 years of my living. Not just that, found lots of new fun to indulge in, gone through some pretty whacky and bizzare episodes, all of which total up to some very satisfying moments; had more files and stuff chucked into my long term memory, and i hope they're there to stay, even if i cant manage to lug them back up front. its enough knowing its stored somewhere in those folds of neurons.

for better or for worse, its also taken this year for me to finally comprende that certain fears're simply unfounded, and that sometimes the easiest way to beat a demon is just to close my eyes, have faith in the Father above and take a nice big leap. and for that, i thank Him, for the little bites of insight He's given me, for all the peace of mind that He filled my heart with, for every prayer He granted, for the strength He's given me through those genuine companions He's given me.

also, there're someone elses i would thank, for all the patience shown me, all the short tempers put up with, all the trouble i've given. you, you and you, you mean just about the world to this child who's still finding her footing in this world.

yes. i've grown up, and not just only a little bit more. wish me luck in growing up another bit more.

oh, one final thing... isnt it funny how a grown-up still needs to have grown up in order to be considered grown up? sorry, i couldnt resist one last bit of wordplay. ;)

Happy New Year, everybody!

P.S to all those who've left this world, i pray that you may find peace and solace in the world you're in now, whichever one you believe in. May God be with you always.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chapter Twenty Three: Deep, Deep, Deep As A Pavement Puddle.

Deep are the thoughts you have in your head
To buy, to spend, to splurge on that dress?

Deeper are they up in your mind
Should I, should I not, oh, I digress!

Deep they are in the back of your brain
Can I wear it once, or twice, or thrice?

Again you think, in the recess of your head
I was so close to buying it, to be precise

Here and there, its right in your mind
If I wear it once, can I do it again and again?

Such deep thoughts flit all over your brain
They torture, they flutter, they drive me insane

(Ah, i see.)

(If these are the thoughts that you call deep,)

*shakes head*

(I guess intellect just isn't something you bother to keep.)

Chapter Twenty Two: The Quack Crow of Teachin'.

This one is based on the song 'Phony King of England' from Disney's Robin Hood, played on the blog. Sing along, if you want.

O the world would sing
Of an ancient queen
In all the years from now
And all because she made her law
Whilst acting like a crow
While bonny good Sir Galahad yon
He leads the fight along
For her we've had to slave away
With naught to show but yawns
The Incredible that she is: inept
Thus in memories she will be kept
And so we call her the quack old crow of teachin'

A POX on the quack old crow of teachin'!

Too late to be known as one of the first
We sure do know her as top of the worst

A POX on the quack old crow of teachin'!

While she tires us to pieces
And she robs of of our wits
Her name and fame
Are further maimed
And puddle at her feet, aha!
But while she makes some merry men
In the world of limp wee minds
We'll find a way to shake her away
And peace of mind to find

She may come to hear of this..............................

Hah! Its a chance I hope not to miss!

I apologize to the writer of the original lyrics for mangling his well written words. But you see, yours were so well done that i felt compelled to use them as a template for my own rant against a tyrant.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chapter Twenty One: le Pompadous.

Once upon a nose up high
There was a little man
He fancied himself a giant
As much as a hot air balloon can

Airs he effects to distraction
Diverting from his uncouth pride
To Arum maculatum he grovels
And pushes the Calotropis aside

Look about him the glitter
He sees not honest steel
Only shiny shimmery estincele
Fie! He sees not what is real

What goes up, will soon roll down
At the end of its glorified days
And I hope ‘twill be, that he’ll come to see
The end of such erroneous ways.