Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chapter Twenty Three: Deep, Deep, Deep As A Pavement Puddle.

Deep are the thoughts you have in your head
To buy, to spend, to splurge on that dress?

Deeper are they up in your mind
Should I, should I not, oh, I digress!

Deep they are in the back of your brain
Can I wear it once, or twice, or thrice?

Again you think, in the recess of your head
I was so close to buying it, to be precise

Here and there, its right in your mind
If I wear it once, can I do it again and again?

Such deep thoughts flit all over your brain
They torture, they flutter, they drive me insane

(Ah, i see.)

(If these are the thoughts that you call deep,)

*shakes head*

(I guess intellect just isn't something you bother to keep.)

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