Thursday, January 1, 2009

aaaand... anyoung, year o9.

ahhhh... the new year... quite a blast, it was... i spent yesterday night (when it was still year 2008, 31st december, around 9pm, XD) with a close friend, first in the cinema, then on to soho... i recommend adam sandler's bed time stories... complete cracker-jack funny, and nothing crude in it... pure warmth and family loving goodness.

funny things happen when people're high on the prowl for fun. while heading to mcd before the movie, two caucasian men, one young, one old happened to be standing next to my friend's car, and the younger one smiled at her. we went hysterical with laughter, for no particular reason at all. and later half a metre up the road they somehow crossed the road in front of us and this time, the old one smiled and waved. needless to say, we near laughed the roof of the car off.

enter soho. about half an hour before the countdown, we squeezed our way through an undulating mass of bodies, music pounding and lights flashing. (here, research methodology comes into play: participant as observer; dont you just love psychology? *grin*) although i initially said i wouldnt bother to dance, i would've felt very silly if i were to stand on a sardin can of a dance floor and stay stiff and ramrod straight. so i joined in. it was exhilirating at first, your heart pouding to the music beats and you feeling your adrenaline run higher. then, the peak of the song comes and you close your eyes and work your way through the trance... aaand just at that moment......... my phone rang. lol... dad called asking if i needed a ride home, since they were on their way home from church. i chose to stay on till about 1:30, when it was starting to get boring, so we popped to a coffee shop to buy drinks, and they dropped me home.

the girls will be continuing to par-tay their night out though, even as i type. happy new year again, girls, you've given me a night to remember, despite the idiots spraying beer over us and the grinding-happy couple who kept taking up our floor space. good luck for the new year! XD

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