Monday, December 29, 2008

a case of women gone wild... *laugh*

if you think ladies over the ages of 40 with children all grown up dont know how to enjoy themselves and go wild, you're sadly mistaken... as i witnessed last night, they definitely do know how to footloose. lol.

it was a birthday party, down at the junk. aptly named (or decorated, in the sense)place; the room was strung with a myriad of junk: a disco ball, a collection of old kerosene lamps, old texas license plate hung here, old toy bicycle there, woodwork everywhere; just a veritable assortment of junk. (i hear say the place's haunted: 1. the shop block itself's old old old; 2. you fill an old old place with old old old antiques and junk, what do you expect?) but i digress.

my mum and i + our neighbour were fashionably late, and i tried my best to stroll in like i knew everyone (actually i only knew two or three). of the old mahjong club gang, only these three i know, since the others've all left malaysia, probably back in their own respective countries. i miss you, pia, you all the way back in italy. and oddly i miss marion too, and all her tart (but well meaning) remarks. .. oops... i digress again.

if anything, last night was surely one of the most internationally inclined affairs i've ever seen. one long table, all expats except for my mum and myself. a few british, including the birthday lady (one fun lady if i do say so... which 49 year old has a tongue piercing???), new zealanders, irish... as for the asians... two koreans, one japanese, one indonesian, three singaporeans (one of which has turned australian), and mum and myself.

the night started out pretty tame, with light party games. dinner was a casual affair, and i sat right at the end of the table. the company was good too. spent most of my time conversing with the korean lady on my right, swapping polite conversation. it was later when the karaoke machine was turned on that the wild-ness arose... ABBA took off with some of their choice hits, and then a whole slew of other oldies, to which the ladies ooohed and ahhhed in satisfaction. the madness really began with 'wake me up before you go-go'; a long line of young hearted women dancing and yelling out the lyrics and laughing for all they were worth. pity i didnt catch that on video. it was real funny watching the ladies trying singing along to fergie belting out my humps too... risque stuff, tsk tsk.

in any case, it was a fun night. at least i wasnt the youngest; the youngest two were the teenage daughters of the birthday lady. happy birthday to angela again, even though its a day after.

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