Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a woman's curse...

one of the biggest curses in a woman's life (in my opinion, entirely) is the time of the month, when her hormones run amok and disrupt her emotional processes. true, i have yet to experience such emotional upheaval as often described in chic lit by the letters PMS (vastly overrated, if i may say so) but still, it's bloody (excuse the pun) inconvenient, and definitely something i'd wish away, if only i could. in our world of no fairy godmothers however, that would mean no motherhood, cuz no menstruation means no ovulation and no ovulation means no children.

which puts into mind this thought, why were we made this way? why not like amoebas, making use of asexual reproduction? (hemm... i wonder how that would work, perhaps hydras'd be a better example) then no more pangs of childbirth, no more children who lost their mums through childbirth, and yes, no more menstruation too. still, i guess there's always a dark cloud to be found before every silver lining, since there'd hardly be any emotional bond between mother and child without those 9 months of pregnancy. would you care as much for a child who simply grew out of your arm or something, or one you went through hell to deliver? i think... for me... i think it'd be the latter. dont ask me why, i'm no mother, and have no intention of being one anytime soon; its just a gut feeling.

anyway, as a female, this's to be expected and i might as well look forward to it. miss Y asked us all about gender roles and why women should be the ones given the motherly roles; would it have something to do with carrying the baby beneath your heart for all those months? perhaps its not merely a tool of society to box the woman into doing what it thinks she ought to, but another way for her to manifest her affection towards her offspring. the greatest beast turns into a gentle giant when caring for her cubs and all that raw strength and energy's replaced by an inborn tenderness for the little ones.

so yeah, the next time i groan about being a poor unfortunate female, i'll try to remember that maybe one day the blessing of a new life'll spring from this blasted curse, and do my best to be happy about it.

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